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Breakthrough technology offering non-invasive, cutting-edge, results-driven treatments to dramatically enhance the appearance of skin concerns.

GlycoAla Before

GlycoAla Before

GlycoAla After

GlycoAla After


"I have always been self-conscious about dark circles underneath my eyes. I have a German background and that was very prevalent in my family. I also spent every day possible in the sun when I was growing up and into my adult years, as well. My skin was very damaged. Beginning A process with Lynn, at SPAaah, starting with facials, I noticed improvement. , However, when I started GlycoAla treatments, the improvement to my overall skin was enormous and the disappearance of my dark circles was amazing! Lynn has explained everything along the way and truly cares about her clients. I would recommend her for any facial care or concerns one might have."

~Cathy C., Clinton, IL

About GlycoAla

Cosmetic photodynamic therapy is an exciting new science featuring light-activated photosensitive topical creams and gels that promote dramatic visible anti-aging results.

Glycoala® is a unique cosmetic photodynamic gel that is designed to help reduce and prevent the visible signs of aging. The photodynamic ingredient in GlycoAla is encapsulated in a state-of-the-art nanoparticle delivery system, known as glycospheres, providing enhanced stability, delivery and speed of absorption. The nanoparticles are combined with hyaluronic acid in this advanced, one-of-a-kind skincare gel.

This unique photofacial is designed to help:

Pore size

Fine lines and wrinkles

Sun damage

Skin tone and firmness

Skin smoothness


GlycoAla produces impressive results but with significantly less discomfort, downtime, side effects and cost often associated with more aggressive techniques.

Ready to experience GlycoAla?

Make your appointment today at SPAaah in Clinton, IL.

Q & A

How long does a treatment take?

The whole treatment takes 70 to 90 minutes. The practitioner will exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin cells. GlycoAla is applied to your skin and left for 40 minutes, during which time you’ll relax in a darkened room. Once the GlycoAla is removed, you are placed under the light,

Is the treatment uncomfortable?

You may feel a tingling sensation when placed under the light, but this is typically transient and dependent on the extent of sun damage you have.

Is the treatment effective?

Yes. GlycoAla gel is clinically proven to improve the appearance of skin tone, firmness, texture, and to reduce to look of pore size. It also significantly improves the effects of hydration.How many sessions are recommended for a full series?

Is it safe?

Yes. Your provider will discuss contraindications and precautions with you. Some drugs and illnesses may make you photosensitive, which may indicate the treatment is not suitable for you.Is the treatment uncomfortable?

How many treatments do I need?

For best results, a course of three treatments, spaced four weeks apart, is recommended.

How many treatments do I need?

For best results, a course of three treatments, spaced four weeks apart, is recommended.

Will I need maintenance treatments?

Yes. Your practitioner will recommend your skin maintenance regimen and future treatments

Is there any downtime?

No. You will be instructed to avoid going outdoors in the sunlight for 48 hours after the treatment, and to wear a high SPF sun protection and a wide brimmed hat if you do go out.